Wednesday, September 17, 2008

web 2.0 program

I likd this program. It was fun and I learned a lot. I really want to do a teen library wiki. I suppose a lot the stuff we did I may not do again do to the fact that I sit in front of a computer at work for 40 hours a week, so by the time I get home, I don't really want to do personal things on a computer. Besides the wikis I also enjoyed the one on photographs and as this is a personal interest so I will probably continue to use, as well as the cataloging your own books to share with others. Thanks to those who put this program together.

pod casts

We are currently working on a pod casting contest for teens! It's for Teen Read Week in Oct. where they talk about their favorite teen or reading list book. We are also having teen volunteers record pod casts for us. We have found they really like or they do not want to do it at all. We use the free software called podbean. So far this has been my experience with pod casts as I have not had much personal use with them. We would like to create staff pod casts on upcoming programs. We are still working out the details such as how to get them hooked on to the catalog and library website.

I liked looking at the pickle site on pod casts. I can't believe there are so many out there. I spent way too much time looking at them and could have spent a lot more.

Friday, September 12, 2008


I am already familiar with youtube. I am currently trying to get the library's username and password for our account so I can put our teen videos on youtube. We don't have any videos yet but we did finally get our camcorder so we should be making some soon. I am sure everyone has see this

I also already have a personal youtube account. This is because of a "regular" teen who wants me to watch youtube music videos with him at the desk every time he comes in. He made me create an account. He is my only friend. I have some of my fav music vids saved tho if anyone cares to view

award winners

The first thing I checked out was vufind under the Books category. It was pretty cool. I also looked at Mango Learning under Education. Language learning is always a popular question at the desk so I will have to remember this one. I also looked up under Events for personal use, but then I thought about adding some library programs onto it!! I also enjoyed the ones lists under Food. Overall this was a fun assignment. There's so much stuff out there it's just unbelievable.

Friday, September 5, 2008


I enjoyed the articles on wikis. I am glad they pointed out the negative aspects of them and that teacher's do not always recognize them as reputable sources as I am always trying to steer students away from using them for research papers. I think it would be a cool idea to make a teen library wiki about programs and suggested reads. The wiki exercises were simple and therefore fun :-) I am trying to catch-up on these assignments so I don't have time for long difficult tasks. I guess my main thoughts on wikis are the pages that are definitely about opinions such as like the entry I created on favorite restaurants, are really cool. The fact based wikis....maybe not so fact based....

web 2.0 - future of libraries

I do not see our print collection as "just in case" because it does get used. People still like to use books as sources and they contain valuable information. If there are books not being used, then yes I can understand getting rid of them. To me awareness is more of an issue that training. The teens that I teach in our electronic classroom can usually figure out how to use the resources, as soon as they are aware that they exist.

I enjoyed some Doctored photos: 20 memorable picture fakes on I also found the Common Craft video a helpful explanation. On the PLCMCL2's Bookmarks I found a podcast fromt he Library Director at a library I used to work at- TSCPL! So that was cool. Ok I know I have to close Internet Explorer so I can install.....more later.


Ok I finally got the search box. Wahoo!! That was the hardest thing so far because my page did not have the same links as the directions. But with Mia's help I was able to do it! I swear I will get caught up soon....


I jumped on the bandwagon. It's much better than GoodReads. I like looking at other Librarian's accounts for recommendations.